4/22 0950: I tried not to open my email box too quick. Because I don't wanna die too quick.

Slow and peace. And I even watched Lakers vs Thunder which I already knew the final score before that.


No New Email.


1000: A phone came in. Then I knew it's a pause here. Then I took a big and deep breath.

I wasn't good enough really. And I need to put back myself right now.

Right away I wrote an email to my dear captain and thanks for his help.


1010: I made up my mind and called HR Edward in 士林電機. I'm ready to report.


Sam, here. Is report for duty. Sir.

When is the quickest time you can be here? 



My emotion is mixed up. My journey to aviation must be postponed yet my motivation shouldn't be stopped. 

So I move on. Right now. Without hesitation. 

Like I said, I don't cry under this roof. It's too safe here. 


Well, hey. I've been staying here for too long. Probably 2 months already. Longest time ever since my graduation.


Next stop is 新竹 for a 3 months intern. 

Like water I feel tasteless and I've to and must to change so quick.






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