I just saw a picture of my dad. Its a picture of him celebrating his own thirty and smiling.
The eye is totally different from the one I knew. I had seldom look it into his eyes since our character and value of price are sometimes far from each. A few years later, I'm going to catch up the dad in the picture. I must say I feel scared. About the time passing by, the memory I lost, and the way we interact.
I never thought one day I'll be him. Yeah, some of the time I told mom that I don't even like him. He's a man with no fun at all, even selfish. But in the deep of my heart, I always know that we, three of us, are always his priority.
I rarely look back on things, coz nostalgic isn't my thing. But this time, I want to talk to the dad inside this picture. Our age would be close, and I'm hopping he could give me some advice. As a friend.
In nearly one month and then I should leave to the state. Its my dream and it is reality now. To this point, I cannot stop running. I begin to doubt myself: about who I am.
I have his blood.for good or bad, I want to be the one that he could proud of. The outstanding one, just like him.


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